LCD Soundsystem, la retour de la fin

par Jeff, le 23 mars 2010

Annonce du nouvel album, tournée sold out qui se prépare, musique pour le défilé de Yves Saint-Laurent et vidéos histoire de nous mettre l'eau à la bouche... ces dernières semaines, il n'y en a plus que pour James Murphy et son projet LCD Soundsystem.

Mais si l'on en croit le gourou new-yorkais, il vaudrait mieux en profiter. tant qu'il en est encore temps. En effet, déjà l'année dernière, des rumeurs circulaient annonçant la fin du groupe après un dernier album. Depuis peu, ces rumeurs semblent s'être confirmées, et c'est James Murphy en personne qui l'a confirmé au micro de l'émission de Zane Low sur la BBC Radio One.  Evidemment, pas de retraite en vue pour Murphy, mais plutôt l'envie de passer à autre chose. Pour tous les détails concernant cette sombre affaire, on vous refile le retranscription de l'interview:

Zane Lowe: Can we clear something up James, There’s been all this talk of late that this might be the last LCD Soundsystem album, what’s the story about this?

James Murphy: I think it is, and l I feel good about it and really positive about it, it’s not like a negative thing. I think that its nice to feel like it’s the last one and we’ll tour really hard and then go do something else.

Zane Lowe: Did you have that in mind when you were making this record? Did it make the process more bittersweet of did it change your attitude towards recording knowing you might not follow it up?

James Murphy: Yeah very much so but only in the second half, in LA I wasn’t really thinking about that at all. I was just like you know - make a record - kind of like ‘trying to make a record mode’. And then when I get back to New York it was getting to the end of it and all the other things started happening the typical ‘you gotta get your artwork in’ and all this other stuff. And I just decided it’s been a while since I wanted to worry about any of that stuff. So, as much as I love making the record and going on tour and everything like that , I was like ‘man If I have to worry about this stuff anymore’ …. You know . So it just seemed like perfect we’ll (the band) make this the last record and we’ll do exactly what we want and go out happy.