Les post-métalleux de Cult Of Luna s'offrent une cover de Joy Division

A la base enregistrée en 2008, cette reprise de Joy Division avait complètement été oubliée par Cult Of Luna. Jusqu'à ce que quelqu'un de bien éclairé le leur rappelle comme l'explique Johannes Persson sur la page Facebook du groupe :
“While touring ‘Eternal Kingdom’ we were invited by the Swedish radio to record a live session in front of a live audience in the famous studio Svenska grammofonstudion in Gothenburg. Most of the bands that did these sessions did a cover and we were asked to do one. Joy Division is a band that have meant a whole lot to many of us and we actually covered ‘She’s Lost Control’ in the first year of Cult of Luna’s existence. I don’t remember how we came to choose ‘Twenty-Four Hours,’ in fact I had totally forgot that we ever did this cover until someone made me aware of it a few weeks ago. It was recorded in October of 2008 and is as far as I remember the last studio recording while Claes [Rydberg, vocalist] still was in the band. But since I had no memory of this recording, who knows what might turn up in the future.”
Revisité par Cult Of Luna, "24 hours" prend une toute autre tournure et réveille curieusement mon intérêt de consommateur de musique pas spécialement fan de la bande à Ian Curtis - oui, ça arrive. Plus lourde et plus puissante, cette version est évidemment aussi l'occasion de redécouvrir (ou découvrir pour certains) la version originale parue sur l'album Closer.